Jumat, 15 April 2016

A Girl with Scoliosis (Part 15)

Btw I managed to take this photo just in order to have a record of my curve progress. I think this kind of photo is useful to raise awareness of scoliosis. Many people said that photo like this is breathtaking. This is just a warning that scoliosis is something more than what you imagine. Three years ago, my curve was 115 degree. I keep telling my other scolioser friends that I don't want them to end up like mine. Early treatment is very necessary before the curve gets worse. Some people might see this as what kind of naked body photograph. I don't have authority to rule others' mind so I don't mind too much. You have no idea what I've been through.
A-ah, I found this video not long ago. It is so touching and inspiring. Watch until the end. It is not only about scoliosis. It is to give us a slap that nobody is perfect. 

2 komentar:

  1. Halo Fera!
    Saya juga seorang scoliocer, can i have ur email? Mungkin kita bisa sharing tentang scoliocis hehe
    Tried to contact ur email through ur page but somehow couldn't work.

    Hope to hear from you soon :)

    1. Hi dear. I'm so sorry that I've just happened to see this comment like after 3 years.... ^^' Feel free to email me at fera_leole@hotmail.com . Bakal senang banget bisa cerita2!
