Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Nice Feeling

Dear Darlaa,

Today is Saturday and I really enjoy it. Just now, I just came back from Daddy's home and talk a lot with him. It has been a really long time I didn't talk with him. Not because we are having problems each other. It's just, we don't have something to talk about. Dad is busy about her.

Yes, we talked only for a half hour. But it is one of my best time with Dad. We did talk about his favourite shirt, about his belt (unimportant, right? ahhaha). As usual, Dad is always funny, making some jokes. And the best part is when we talked about my future. He does care about my education and my job, and make sure that I got the best. Thanks Dad. I love you, with all my heart.

Hmm.. About my education, I've ever to talk to Mom. In my graduation few years later, I will also invite Dad. I know exactly, it is still few years later, even I'm still in my third semester. But I just want Dad and Mom come to my graduation. I will feel so guilty if I only invite Mom, without Dad. However, Dad is always supporting me, on his own way. In my dream, they will be very proud of me in that graduation. We will take photos again, together. I'll have the family photo again. =D Maybe for others, this topic will be so silly. But for me, it's really important.

Nite Darlaa :*

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