Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Jika Bukan Kita, Siapa Lagi?

Setiap orang bisa saja jadi pemuda. Pemuda dalam arti usia muda, atau pun pemuda bisa jadi singkatan dari ‘PErnah MUDA’. Orang bilang kalau masa depan Indonesia berada di tangan generasi muda. So, it means that suka-suka para generasi muda dong ya mau melakukan apa? Memajukan, menghancurkan, tidak melakukan apa-apa, semua tergantung kita. Pilihan ada di tangan kita. Oke, menghancurkan mungkin terlalu ekstrim, siapa yang mau menghancurkan negrinya sendiri? Nah, bagaimana dengan memajukan? Mungkin memajukan Indonesia terdengar seperti hal yang muluk. Tapi kalau setiap orang berpikir begitu, maka Indonesia tidak akan pernah maju.  Tidak perlu memulai dari hal yang besar, banyak hal kecil di sekitar kita yang terabaikan dan ternyata bermanfaat bagi orang lain juga.

Mulai dari diri sendiri. Jika skala Indonesia terasa terlalu besar, maka mulailah dari diri sendiri. Kebiasaan kecil seperti tepat waktu dan buang sampah pada tempatnya bisa menjadi hal yang penting. Jepang terkenal dengan warganya yang selalu menghargai waktu. Kita mungkin tidak bisa mengubah kebiasaan seluruh warga Indonesia dalam waktu yang singkat. Dengan mulai dari diri sendiri, orang-orang terdekat kita akan mengikuti. Tidak harus sempurna untuk menjadi sebuah inspirasi, tapi mulailah dengan niat dan tindakan. Sulit, bukan berarti tidak mungkin. 

Tidak hanya dengan kebiasaan, kita juga bisa memulai dari “Siapa saya?” Bagi saya, saya adalah seorang penderita skoliosis (kelainan tulang belakang). Apa yang bisa saya lakukan sebagai seorang penderita skoliosis? Saya sadar bahwa pengetahuan masyarakat Indonesia mengenai skoliosis masih minim. Mumpung saya senang menulis, saya berbagi info mengenai skoliosis di blog saya. Dengan demikian, setidaknya teman-teman saya bisa tahu dan memberitahu teman-teman atau keluarga mereka yang lainnya lagi. Hal-hal kecil bisa saja menjadi sesuatu yang besar dan bermakna. Jadi, kenapa tidak memulai dari hal kecil dulu? Jika bukan kita, siapa lagi? Jika bukan sekarang, kapan lagi?

#PatriotIsMe #Advan #damniloveindonesia

Senin, 25 Agustus 2014


People said, "some things are better left unsaid".

This blog has been part of my life journal or diary. But to be honest, there are some parts which I skipped to post here. The parts that I don't want to review anymore, because it's really painful. Sometimes I just considered it as not a part of my life, or I just pretend it never happens. I'm sure that everyone has time like this and their own story. Someone can be stronger than how she/he looks.

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014

A Girl with Scoliosis (Part 10)

Hi bloggers!

Lama gak mengulas tentang skoliosis. Bukan berarti skoliosis uda terlupakan, skoliosis bahkan uda menjadi bagian dari diriku. 

Saat ini aku lagi libur kuliah, jadi kegiatan nggak terlalu padat. Kegiatan sehari-hariku yang memerlukan duduk lama paling memakan 5-7 jam. Tapi belakangan aku semakin gampang lelah dan sesak. Memang aku tidak lagi pernah memeriksakan keadaan tulang belakangku lagi sejak aku pertama kali melakukan X-Ray. Ini tidak mudah, aku sebenarnya agak takut melihat hasilnya, takut bahwa kurvaku mungkin semakin berprogress dan perlu penanganan segera. 

Aku masih ingat, dulu aku sering beraktivitas lebih dari 13 jam sehari (kerja dan kuliah), kemudian nyeri punggung hebat hingga demam tinggi. Aku hanya mengandalkan obat syaraf ketika nyeri datang, yang aku tau juga bahwa aku tidak boleh bergantung kepada obat itu. Sesekali ketika aku lelah atau mulai merasa nyeri, aku mencari posisi yang pas, atau pergi ke toilet untuk melakukan stretching. Lelah yang kurasakan belakangan ini agak berbeda. Aku hanya beraktivitas 5-7 jam yang termasuk santai. Aku mempersiapkan soal-soal dan bahan mengajar di rumah, kemudian mengajar, dan sesekali ikut serta di kegiatan atau sesekali hang out bareng teman. Lelah ini awalnya memberi rasa kaku pada bagian bawah punggung, kemudian aku akan melakukan perubahan posisi atau stretching (tergantung situasi), dan tiba-tiba, rasa kaku tadi berubah menjadi seperti sengatan listrik hebat yang mengalir dari pinggang hingga punggung bagian atas, khususnya di bagian kiri (bagian punggungku yang menjorok ke dalam).

Begitu pulang ke rumah, aku akan berbaring, berusaha meluruskan badan, dengan nafas yang terdengar seperti terengah-engah. Aku tidak lagi mengonsumsi obat syaraf itu. Berhubung aku kurus, setiap tonjolan tulangku memang terlihat jelas. Beberapa kerabat mengatakan bahwa tulang pinggul sebelah kiriku semakin menonjol. Aku tidur di lantai yang beralaskan sejenis matras tipis. Aku juga bisa merasakan bahwa punuk di punggungku semakin menonjol. Semoga ini hanya perasaanku saja.

September ini kami akan pindah rumah. Bertepatan dengan mulainya semester baruku.  Jika Tuhan mengizinkan, aku merencanakan semester ketujuhku ini akan menjadi semester terakhirku, dan setelah itu aku ingin melakukan treatment untuk skoliosisku. Sejujur-jujurnya aku mulai khawatir dengan nyeri yang aku alami belakangan ini. Derajat terakhir adalah 115. Bila berprogress lagi, entah jadi berapakah derajat skoliosisku. Derajat oh derajat, tolong jangan beranak pinak lagi *tepok jidat*

Hm, aku juga masih suka browsing soal skoliosis atau ngintip blog penderita skoliosis lainnya. Di blog Kak Indi, aku menemukan bahwa ternyata Kak Indi uda berganti brace, bukan lagi pake brace yang biasa, tapi menggunakan SpineCor. Nah, apa itu SpineCor? Di blog Kak Indi juga ada dijelasin koq, teman-teman juga bisa googling. Banyak infonya. 

SpineCor itu merupakan brace yang dibuat dengan materi elastis dan memungkinkan pemakainya untuk bergerak lebih leluasa. Kalau brace yang biasa, bahannya keras, panas, bisa bikin alergi, susah buat gerak (jongkok, lari, dsb), lebih kentara kalau dipakai kayak armysuit. Brace ini juga harus dipakai selama 23 jam setiap harinya, hanya boleh dilepas kalau mandi dan renang. Kalau SpineCor ini, (yang kubaca dari penjelasan web dan testimoni pemakainya) brace nya nyaman dipakai, seperti kita pakai baju renang, ada rasa ketatnya, tapi masih nyaman. Pemakaiannya juga hanya 6-10 jam per hari, dan gak harus setiap hari \(^^)/ hanya beberapa kali per minggu. Kabar bagusnya juga bisa mengurangi kurva ! Wuaw banget !!! Info ini seperti secercah harapan bagi aku. 

Boston Brace

Skolioser dengan derajat besar seperti aku, dimana-mana sudah ditawari operasi melulu. Yah, aku tau operasi bisa mengoreksi derajatku. Ada yang setelah menjalani operasi, kurvanya dari 107 jadi 35-40. Mereka bahkan bertambah tinggi 5cm. Tapi biaya operasi gak tanggung-tanggung, untuk derajat sepertiku, sudah pasti memakan 200-300jutaan. Itu sih prediksi dari dokterku sekitar setahun yang lalu. Biaya darimana coba. Apalagi setelah operasi, aku mungkin bakal harus direhatkan di rumah selama beberapa bulan. Dimana itu berarti, aku gak bisa bekerja, no income, berarti membebani keluarga. Ini belum termasuk lagi ya harus berdebat sama Mama. Mama masih belum sanggup membayangkan tulang belakangku harus dioperasi. Ya, ini memang operasi besar dan beresiko. Jadi wajar saja kalau Mama ga tegaan. Aku bahkan sering bercanda bahwa ketika tiba saatnya aku harus operasi, aku akan bilang sama dokter supaya Mama dibius duluan. Jadi begitu dia bangun, aku sudah keluar dari ruang operasi. No worry deh. Hahaha.

Nah, dengan SpineCor ini aku berharap at least kurvaku gak berprogress, aku bisa beraktivitas dengan lebih nyaman tanpa nyeri. Lalu aku browsing mengenai dimana dan berapa harga untuk pembuatan brace ini. Eng ing engg~ Kalau di Indonesia, masih hanya ada di Jakarta. Di Medan belum ada. Mungkin kalau teman-teman ada yang berminat, bisa dilihat di web resminya langsung di sini. Berhubung Medan lumayan dekat dengan Malaysia, aku juga mencari info tentang dimana bisa buat SpineCor di Malaysia, infonya bisa dilihat di sini.

Mengenai harga, sesuai hasil browsing, pemasangan brace ini memerlukan biaya 26-27 juta, belum termasuk X-Ray, konsultasi dokter, dsb. Kalau yang di Malaysia, kisarannya RM7000-9000, yang kalau dirupiahkan itu sekitar 27-33juta. Still, I considered it as expensive. Ya setidaknya lebih ada harapan daripada hanya berharap pada operasi, dan bisa menjaga kurvaku hingga tiba saatnya aku operasi nantinya.

Dengan sharing info ini, aku berharap teman-teman skolioser lainnya juga merasakan harapan yang aku rasakan, dan juga semoga bermanfaat (^^v)

NB. Aku senang sekali bisa muncul di Twisted Tuesday Friend di SHIFT Scoliosis (page FB) di edisi 1 Juli 2014. 

With love,
Fera Leo, an unbeatable scolioser

Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014

Meet Up with Girls

Hi ! Another post for this holiday.

I met up with Vivian and Mariana. Actually Angeline, Delviana, and Fona were supposed to join us, but they weren't able to. It's a long time I don't meet them. The last time I met them maybe in last semester holiday, or maybe last two semester holiday. OMG. I can't remember. We talked a lot and couldn't stop sharing. We have our lunch at Resep Nenek Moyangku then ice cream at Mc Donalds, MW. Sure I hope next time we can meet up again, with complete members ;)

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

Kelas Ibadah Remaja 27-29 Juli 2014

Hey Darla,

Long time no see. I’m having my holiday. Well, one month of my holiday passed already and I have 1 month left. Last Saturday, I joined a class at temple not far from my house. That is a class that taught morality, and I have amazing 3 days there ! I really mean it, A-MA-ZING ! I went there with one of my seniors. Okay, this post will be very long. So, prepare your eyes if you want to read it. ^^

We arrived on Saturday night. I get a vegetarian Bakpao to eat before sleep. I met a lot of new friends there. I shared my room with another 8 girls. We are 9, in room number 9. Some are younger, older, and some are as old as me. That was my first time to meet them. Really a new situation for me. To be honest, I was really really really excited for that event. I couldn’t stop smiling to welcome that event. 

We introduced ourselves, arranged our stuff near bed, without talk too much, we went to bed and sleep. We slept earlier because we would have outdoor activities next day. Then on Sunday, after having breakfast, we went to Brastagi ! The most enjoyable city in North Sumatera ! First we had so many games at Taman Jubileum. I love fresh air. Then til about 2 pm, we continued our trip to Hillpark. We have 2 hours free to play there. Two hours are a little bit short time. We took some pictures, played some adventures there. I have played Puting Beliung, Roller Coaster, Biang Lala, Bom Bom Car, and the one I forgot the name. My unforgotten adventure is the roller coaster one. I don’t have the courage to sit at the first row. My friend, Yanti asked me to sit at the first row with her. I am not brave enough. So, I had my seat at the third row with Indah. I hold my safety belt with my left hand, then hold the safety stick very very strongly.We took a deep breath before the roller coaster started. Me and Indah shout a lot. We closed our eyes tightly. LOL. The safety belt is not really tight or maybe I’m the one who is so skinny. I felt like the roller coaster shake my body very strongly when turn left or right. It’s my first time to have roller coaster with a new friend. Indah is very funny. All the students took pict together before going back. We had a really great day. As we got back to temple, we took a bath, dinner, and shared our feelings about that day. We slept at 9 or 10 pm. Actually, I really seldom sleep early, I usually sleep at 12 a.m the earliest. Lol. But I can adjust myself very well. 

Group 2

Our Theme Song: One Heart. But there were so many hearts. LOL

Our Group Logo

Indah, Acien, Novita, Yanti, and Me

Acien, Novita, Yanti, and Me ^^

Thanks to ci Vera for taking our pict !

Ah, I forgot to tell you. About 5 p.m, we are not allowed to use our phone anymore. Our phones are kept by our mentor. Sure I could do it. I don’t depend too much on my phone.

The 2nd day.

I got up at 6 a.m. Take a bath then breakfast. We had a long class on this 2nd day. The people there were so nice. They prepared us a snack before lunch, so we didn’t get hungry at all. Thank you very much. I had back pain because of sitting too long. We sit from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Of course with break time. But I could deal with my back pain well. We listened to Dhammadesana from some seniors. They did it very well. I understand what they mean. They also gave us a vegetarian sandwich before dinner. 

What I learn from Dhammadesana are:

  1. We all are special. We have to realize that everyone is special.
  2. No matter what problems we face, we still have to be thankful. There was a story that the speaker told us. There was a naughty boy who never listened to his parents. His mother never stopped trying to advice him and help him to go back to the right way. Some day, the boy changed. He thanked to his mother that always stay by side and never stop trying. He said to his father, “You have been our umbrella which always protects us. Now, you can take a rest, and let me be the umbrella which will protect you and mom.” That is a really touching story for me. It reminds me of Mom and Dad. When I have problem and ask for their help, they will not think twice to help and do everything for me no matter how hard their life is. Now I have grown, and I want to share my parents’ burden. I always think, let me be the one who take the burden.
  3. Understand and forgive. We have to understand people’s shoes why they did that to you. Understand how they feel and think. So no matter what they do, you can forgive them because you understand why they did it. When I want to forgive someone, I have to be able to understand them first. When I make mistake and someone can’t forgive me, you can’t blame anyone. Because It’s hard to understand. So It’s not easy to forgive. Me, myself also experience that forgiving is not that easy.
After Dhammadesana, we then watched movie together. I AM SAM. That’s the movie. I watched it already. But this time I don’t know why the film could more touching. It’s a about a girl having a mental retarded father. According to Department of Child Care, the father (Sam) were not able to take care of his 7-years-old daughter (Lucy). Since Sam’s intellectual capability is same as 7 years old child, he would not be able to take care of Lucy who will grow to 8 years girl. Although Lucy was just 7, she said that she didn’t want any Daddy but Sam. Other Daddy never accompany their child to field, but her Daddy always did it. At the end of this movie, we were asked, “What do you learn from this movie?”  

Lucy was just 7, and she could accept and love her Dad unconditionally regardless how her Dad's condition is.  I am older than Lucy but still, sometimes I behave more childish than her. My mom and Dad are not perfect. If a-7-y.o-girl could love her retarded Dad, why I can't love my smart parents fully. That's what I think. So, I have to be more more and more grateful, and love my parents more.

The 3rd day

Here is our last day. Finally I would get back to my comfy home. For telling the truth, I was sad a bit to apart from my new friends. We are just like a family, used to be together in these 3 days. I make sure I have their contact like BBM, line, or instagram. We made sushi on this day ! Yes, sushi ! I love this cooking class.I made 3 rolls of sushi. But only one succeeded. Hehehe. Somehow, I like cooking ! I brought some to home, so Mom and Sis could taste my sushi. We were reminded that parents always want to give us the most delicious food. So, give the best sushi you made for your parents. Aw <3 We sang a song together, then saying goodbye to each other. Will miss them so much. 

My Handmade Sushi (photo taken by sis)

I enjoyed my 3 days very very very very very much ! I'm waiting for the class next year !!!

Senin, 07 Juli 2014

My Favourite Anime

Hi Darla !

In this post, I will share about my favorite anime and manga. I'm not a mania. But I just like some, which is not up to date. Hehehe ^^

1. Inuyasha

Inuyasha has been my favorite anime since I was in junior. Eh, no, since primary ! Hahaha.. I wonder how inuyasha can be so cool. Compare to other modern anime, inuyasha may be out of date. But everytime I watch or re-watch inuyasha, my feeling is still same. Inuyasha is somehow a stubborn and reckless boy, and kagome is just a great girl I admire. Before I like inuyasha, I preferred Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's brother. Then I watch it further, Inuyasha sure is cooler. LOL

What I like from this anime? Hmm, the story is so cool. Time journey. Then, I always laugh when Inuyasha and Kagome fight. They look funny, but inside they care each other. Inuyasha always protects Kagome with all his heart. Aw ! Kinda melted. LOL.

I'd try to sketch that picture, but I fail to draw their faces. Then I forgot where I put that sketch. I miss it. I put so much effort T.T

2. Bokura Ga Ita

For your information, Bokura Ga Ita is available in anime and manga. I only watch the anime until ep 18, and continue to manga because I can't find the disc for next episod anymore. I like the theme song "Kimi Dake O" & "Aishiteru". There is a lyrics saying, "Love. It isn't about the unhappy tears that go along with it. Those tears only hurt and leave my eyes dry."

 I learn not to cry because of love from that lyrics. The girl character, Nana, in this story is a always happy and cute girl. Yeah, every girl in anime is always cute. The pictures are also good.

who is the person you love right now? Tagline of Nana when the boy left her.

How sweet they are >_<

3. 24 Colours

 This is just one-book manga. So it doesn't have so much sequel. What I like from this manga is, the story is just a simple story, but they can tell me the feeling so strongly.

As usual, the story is about high school students. The boy is about to move to another school. Both of them are painter. One day, the girl entered the boy's studio and found out that all pictures are rugby red flower. The boy explained that he couldn't think of anything else but those rugby red flowers since he met the girl. Okay, this manga also makes me melted. At the end of semester, they have to make their own painting. You know what they paint? I bet you will like it!

The left picture (a girl) is the boy's painting. Huaaaaa~ Extremely sweet. I tried to draw like that, but totally failed. Maybe because I'm a girl. Lol. Then the right picture (boy) is the girl's painting ! That is the point of view when they first met !!!!! So sweet. In my drawing final test, senior high, I draw the right picture. Yes, I can make it ! Exactly the same drawing, and the same shading. I like it very very very much. But I can't my find sketchbook anymore. T.T My friends also liked it, but my teacher just give me 80 or 85. Okay, fine! Hahaha.

4. Angel Lip

Angel Lip is 9-books mangam which is about a lipstick that can give more confidence to someone. A magic lipstick ! There is a girl named Mikina that once was a model when she was a kid. But one day, she got laughed by everyone and she has social phobia. Until she becomes a teenager, she never ever wants to go back to modelling anymore. Then angel lip changes everything, it comes to Mikina and makes her so confidence in front of camera. A great motivation manga, I think.


That's all darla ! If you look closely, my fav manga/anime are all about love, confidence, and happiness. Maybe I like them because I found the similarities between me and the main character. I like to draw manga, but of course my drawing skill is sure doubtful. I only can imitate from manga, and draw well when I have feeling. Lol. Let me show you some of my drawing next time ! First is to find my sketchbook ! Lol. Seeyaa!