Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Coming Up

Hi Darlaa.

How have you been ?

My real holiday is coming up. I have planned so many things for this holiday. Sure I will not go to travel outside country. I think I will relax at home and I will do "Wisata Kuliner" with my workmates. \( ´ ` )/

This Monday will be so busy. There's a big project in office. Try harder ! =D Learn more.

Ohh, August 16 will be the last day before the holiday. So, me and the other teachers who are fasting even non-fasting, decided to have some celebration. We will have Ayam Penyet together ! Huolaa~ Delicioussso Darlaa. I like it. 

I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I have to wake up so early. I wanna watch volley games. I never play volley before. There will be so many cools people who can play volley. 

Night Darlaaa 

P.S. I miss my diary so much.

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