Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Messy Holiday #1

It's 17th August 2012 ! It's Indonesia's Independence Day. But it's not as crowded like before. Everyone is going back to their hometown and not preparing any celebration for indepedence day. Hmm.. Don't ask me about this day. I remember clearly. I sleep along this day. I think I like the polar bear doing hibernate. But I like that. I won't be able to hibernate again when the study starts.

18th August ? Hmm.. I don't really remember clearly about this day. I know it's Saturday. As usual, I go to Porseni KMB and doing my part. Hm, I return home about 6 pm. After taking a bath, I got something wrong with my body. I felt very cold inside, but so hot outside. Strange, right ? Haha.. Then, I do texting with my friends until late night. Maybe it's about 2.30 am. It's a nice sharing. I don't wanna miss it.

19th August. I'm supposed to go to Gaharu at the morning 6.30. We ( Porseni KMB ) have a badminton match at the morning. When I woke up, I got a fever, my head spinning. So, I decided to be absent. Sorry guys. I did the hibernate again, all the day.

20th August. It's Monday. I'm having fun with Valen. We went to food court and sharing so loooong. Pasarame is still closed. We only went to Thamrin. Valen is preparing herself for her study, and her orientation. Hahaa.. We did window shopping. I love some shoes in the store. One of them is high heels. Wuohh, really cool. But, it's not the time for shopping. We ate yoghurt. I always got confused to choose the topping. Haha.. Hm, we never forget to take some crazy photos. I will upload them soon.

21st August. Finally, Pasarame is open ! Yeah, mom and I went there. Mom bought her sewing-needs. After that, we looked around. Window shopping again. Haha.. Mom saw a pair of flat shoes and asked me to try it. It's white and have something colourful on it. Mom loves that really much. But, as I said before, it's not the time for shopping. I know I will have bigger outcome when the study starts. Ahh, I buy some cassava chips. Nice day, darlaa ♥

22nd August. Valen has a new hair ! Hihiii.. I think she looks better. I like the new her. ^^ Ah, I have fun with my KMB friends. So many people, I don't recognize everyone's name. But I hope that I can make friends with them well. We went to cinema and watch The Expendables 2. Such a good movie, Darlaa. I love it. Yeahh, it's a cruel movie. But don't see the cruel side. Hahaa.. I cried when watching that movie. You know the part when Billy died and asked Barney to get the letter. Huaaaaaaaaa.. It's such a sad part. I'm glad that it's dark in the cinema. So I think no one knows I was crying. And then we went eat, play, share,etc. It's quite a nice day. 

23rd August. It's today. I woke up late. Having my favourite breakfast, Lontong. Hahaa.. Watching TV. And then when I woke up, I find my handphone was lost. A little bit messy at the morning. I have fun with mom. You know Darlaa, sometimes I feel guilty to Mom. Because I feel I don't spare my time with my Mom. I'm too busy with my friends and my work I try my best for being a good friends and doing my job well. But I think I forget to be a good daughter. I just love Mom really much. I don't wanna she feel lonely. Tomorrow, after I return home, I will do some cooking and baking with Mom. ♥ I always thank to God that I have you Mom ♥ You are the best.

Being an Owl

Heyhoooo !

Darlaaa, I took a sleep from 7.30 p.m until 10 pm. Now is 2 am, as the result, I can't sleep anymore. I have to wake up early tomorrow !!!! I've tried to close my eyes so long. But I still can't sleep.

Suddenly I got hungry and I looked for some biscuits and water. I think I will get sleepy after having meal as usual. But, this time? Not at all. I was so bored. Guess what I do then ? Hahaha.. Then I take a cucumber, I cut it into 2 small pieces. Put them onto my eyes ! So freshy ! I tried to be relax and wish that I will be sleepy. But, I failed ( again ). Then ??? Here I am. Turn on this notebook and blogging. In this case, I think better I don't go to bed anymore. Because if I got asleep, I'm sure I won't wake up tomorrow morning. 

Holiday will end soon. Arghh, darlaa.. You know what ? I think that the study will start on Sept 23. The fact is, on Sept 3 ! Oh gee.. I was so shocked. I think that I still have holiday for one month more. What a dreamer. *shameful

Ah, I will share something about the holiday. But on the next posting okay ? ^^

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012


Hey Darlaa ♥

One more post. Hahahaa~

I thought of a cartoon film. The Incredibles. Do you know about that ? It's about a superhero family. And one of my favourite character is Violet. Miss Invisible.

She is beautiful. She is great. She is just invisible, sometimes.

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Plus (+) and Minus (-)

Dear Darlaa,

Today I learn something.
Everyone was borned with their own great things.
We just need to look at the bright side.
Why should we focus on the dark side when we have the bright one ?
Will you let the dark side hold your life ?
Don't blame anyone, please.
It's your life, your choice, your way, your decision.

Just love this life as much as possible.
Life will love you as always.

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Coming Up

Hi Darlaa.

How have you been ?

My real holiday is coming up. I have planned so many things for this holiday. Sure I will not go to travel outside country. I think I will relax at home and I will do "Wisata Kuliner" with my workmates. \( ´ ` )/

This Monday will be so busy. There's a big project in office. Try harder ! =D Learn more.

Ohh, August 16 will be the last day before the holiday. So, me and the other teachers who are fasting even non-fasting, decided to have some celebration. We will have Ayam Penyet together ! Huolaa~ Delicioussso Darlaa. I like it. 

I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I have to wake up so early. I wanna watch volley games. I never play volley before. There will be so many cools people who can play volley. 

Night Darlaaa 

P.S. I miss my diary so much.

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

Hello August

Dear Darlaa,

Sorry for the absent. It's kind of a good month. A really nice month. I got some new workmates, Jocelya and Aya. They are so kind and friendly. I love working and joking with them =D

And then I'm really happy that Valen can take her architecture study in the same university with me. I am really grateful ! Thanks God ! Just thinking of that can make me so happy. Hahaa

Hmm.. what else ? Oh, I met my juniors, darlaa ! New friends again ! Wuohooo ~ Seems like my life's next chapter will be more fantastic !

The third semester is coming up. *sigh I thought of my GPA on last semester. My friends said it likes the parachute jumping. Don't talk about it anymore. I will try harder on the next semester =D I'm sure I can do it !