Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

This is the time

Dear Darlaa,
            I found a fact that I seldom post anything here. I know I’m not that active like my other friends in blogging. Actually, I always have a lot of ideas, and story for sharing it with you. But, so many things ruin my plans. Urgh, like suddenly my PC got some trouble, and the technician needs so long time to repair it. Yeah, thanks for him. He did his job well. And then, assignment drives me crazy. After I’ve done everything, I will just lie on bed or on floor, or somewhere else I can sleep. Wuohh, I feel like I need to hibernate. Hahaha…
            Finally, the problem is time ( again ). Haahhhh~ Darlaa, I don’t know what’s wrong. Do I have to learn about time management more ? It likes 24 hours a day is not enough for me. For my class, my job, my assignment, my family time, my time with friends, and my time for myself. I think everyone also have it right ? All the activities that we have is so similar. Who doesn’t have assignment ? Who doesn’t need time for family and friends ? But they do well. How ? Yes, I think it’s just about my time management.
            So, darlaa.. After take a long time, I decide that I’ll resign from my job on July. Hmm, you know, I really enjoy working there. Really. The problem is, my body is getting weaker because got tired too much everyday. I have a less communication with Mom. Since I realize the point is not only about money, I decide this. About my income, I’m sure there will be another way. Maybe I can be a private teacher, or do a little business, or hey ! I can try to do my hobby. Writing. Aaaaahhhh~ Why not ? So many ideas come to me and I will have a long time to express all of them  XD kyaaaaaaaaa… Just think about that make me so happy !  Yeaaahh, I’ll like that. Something new. I’ll make my ‘What-to-do’ list soon. Hahaha~
            Last time I have a chat with my bestie, we have a deal that we will make a change in our life. I’ll resign from my job, and she will find a new job, she also plan to study abroad. Well, this is the time. This is the time to move. I have to do what I supposed to. Follow my passion. Do my best. Write with all my heart.

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