Senin, 28 November 2011

Let's be a hypnotist =D

Hey hoy hey Darlaaaa~~~

Today I learn something new. J yihaaaaaaaaaa~ Today, I went to a training to become a hypnotist with some of my classmates ( Vilya, Fonds, Edberg, Dinar, Dara, Winda, Ami, and the others =D ) . The training was held at Setia Budi area ( hmmmm, a little bit far ) .. Hahaaa~ We went there at 8 a.m. At the opening, I was so excited, full of spirit. We did some funny dance. And thennn……. The training became so boring, boring , boring, and sooooo boring…..

At 12 p.m. , we had a break for lunch. So, Vilya, Edberg, Fonds, and me decided to go to the nearest Pizza Hut. xD yeaaaaaa~ I’m so happy. Actually, I want to eat pizza soooo badly..!!! But I just stay cool. :P Hahaha….. We chose the Cheesy7 with cheesy bites.. and then chicken lasagna.. hmmm.. what is that called.. If I’m not wrong, it’s called Chicken backed xxxxx …. I forgot the exact name.. xDD aw aw aw aw …. Deliciousoooo ~

After having lunch, We went back to the training location. :D hehee… We were given chance to practise the hypnosis with a partner. Oh my god, it was a funny practicing… Hahahaaaa~ I laughed when Vilya tried to hypnosis me.. xD sorry,Vilya.. It's so funny.. But I enjoy it xD  

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