Selasa, 29 November 2011


Just wanna shout it loudly ....






Fera Leo

Senin, 28 November 2011

Good Person ......... by Suju

Is there anything wrong today?
Your face looks like you’ve been crying
did he hurt your heart?
You, the most precious person in this world to me
Holding out the coffee from the vending machine
I hid my heart inside of it
“Thank you…Oppa, you’re such a good person”
I just smiled at those words

Do you ever remember it?
The day when we were hanging out in front of my friend’s school?
When we pretended we were a couple
you laughed and I spent a sleepless night

If you laugh, then I feel good too
Even when you say it’s just pretending
Days of waiting for you, nights of longing for you
They fill me with overwhelming happiness
Even when I’m alone, it’s fine
As long as I can just see you
Always behind you, always watching you
Seems like that’s all my part is about

My friends tell me it’s boring
that I keep singing the same song all the time
but it’s nothing but my true heart
when you keep spacing out…
Do you ever understand my heart that day?
The night when all our friends gathered
you were drunk and he came to pick you up
you introduced that person to me, it was my birthday

If you like him then I like him too
As I see him next to you
The person who is too different from me, the person that makes me feel small
I can’t do anything but ask him to take care of you

To the person that makes you cry
from me, the person who can’t do anything but comfort you

If you laugh, then I feel good too
Even when you say it’s just pretending
Days of waiting for you, nights of longing for you
They fill me with overwhelming happiness
Even when I’m alone, it’s fine
As long as I can just see you
Always behind you, always watching you
Seems like that’s all my part is about

You know what ?
It's you ♥

It's okay, Boy....

I've ever feel something precious
But just pretend that we don't know about it,okay?

Just Live well there ..

No need to worry about me...

Graduate with a good grade
Get a good job
Find a good girl
Love her with all your heart
Fill your life with your passion

and I will be so proud of you, Dear ...

=) Take Care..

Your piggy girl ♥

Let's be a hypnotist =D

Hey hoy hey Darlaaaa~~~

Today I learn something new. J yihaaaaaaaaaa~ Today, I went to a training to become a hypnotist with some of my classmates ( Vilya, Fonds, Edberg, Dinar, Dara, Winda, Ami, and the others =D ) . The training was held at Setia Budi area ( hmmmm, a little bit far ) .. Hahaaa~ We went there at 8 a.m. At the opening, I was so excited, full of spirit. We did some funny dance. And thennn……. The training became so boring, boring , boring, and sooooo boring…..

At 12 p.m. , we had a break for lunch. So, Vilya, Edberg, Fonds, and me decided to go to the nearest Pizza Hut. xD yeaaaaaa~ I’m so happy. Actually, I want to eat pizza soooo badly..!!! But I just stay cool. :P Hahaha….. We chose the Cheesy7 with cheesy bites.. and then chicken lasagna.. hmmm.. what is that called.. If I’m not wrong, it’s called Chicken backed xxxxx …. I forgot the exact name.. xDD aw aw aw aw …. Deliciousoooo ~

After having lunch, We went back to the training location. :D hehee… We were given chance to practise the hypnosis with a partner. Oh my god, it was a funny practicing… Hahahaaaa~ I laughed when Vilya tried to hypnosis me.. xD sorry,Vilya.. It's so funny.. But I enjoy it xD  

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

..... Hmmmmm .... Undescribable ♥ !

Dear Darlaaaa~

Yesterday, I made a little chat with my bestie, Valen ♥ .. We talked about our high school moment a.k.a nostalgia... hahaaa~ When we were in high school, we took the same course. So, after school, we always went together to the course .. and then we looked for lunch.. Hey, u know what ? We always got dizzy when we have to think "what should we eat for lunch today?" Sometimes, Valen won't want to eat rice ( I like to eat anything rice ) .. hahaa.. Sometimes, I'm the troublemaker. I don't want to eat anything, or I just want to eat this, or I don't want to eat what Valen want to eat. Oh my Goddd !! Sorry Valenn... Now I realize that I'm really annoying... xDD And I remember that once time, when we finished our course, It's nite already.. But We decided to go to a cafe with promo "Buy One Get One" .. Hihihihi.... We eat dessert, I forgot what its name. Don't care about it ! The point is I enjoy it so muchhhh !

If we don't have any course on that day, We never go home directly .. xD How naughty we aree ..!! Hahahaa~ hmm... we often go to Thamrin Plaza. It's near our school..or we just stay at school, waiting for Sate Ajo.. or wherever else, wherever we want !!! hahaa

Thankss Valennnn !!!! XD Thanks so muchh .....

Senin, 14 November 2011

If you wanna cry, don't cry alone ♥

Last night, before my eyes were going to close, I remembered of daddy. Miss him so much~ Last time I phoned him, he was sick. Is he still sick now ? Has he got better ? I said that I don't care about him. But I care a lot about him. I want to bring so muucchhh fruit for him. Buy him milk. Make a joke with him, laugh together. Is he happy with his new family now? Do they cook delicious food for him ? Do they give Dad healthy food ? Do his children act good to him ? Do they love my dad ? I have given my dad to them. If  Dad can be happy with them, It's okay . I'm fine here, Dad~ As long as you happy, live well, I'm glad.. Take care ♥

I ♥U Dad

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Sick ? uhhh~

11 November 2011


Is eleven lucky numbers ? Is today a lucky day ? Huaaaa.. I am soooo lucky that I was sick in this lucky day .. Something wrong with my body.. Urghh~ First, I get a flu. And then my head made some trouble, headache. And thennnnnnn, My stomachache was going to kill me. I started to have fever. I had no spirit. But I still keep smiling =) I don't work properly. ='( Hiksss... Sorry, Tricom. So, I decided to go home early.

My workmates, or I always call him " Ko Erick" , give me a drive to home. Thanks to him. I was doubt to go home with public transport. How if I get fainted ? Hahaa~ But I love to work at there.. (Most of ) all the tutors, my workmates, are really kind and lovely. Thanks ci Mimi for caring about me ! =D and I shared a little things with Miss Mona, like about music and novel with my unsupported-condition. Hahaa~

But fortunately, with having sleep, I get better =D yeayyy~ hahaa... I've ever get a damn fever for a few days. My sister took the picture of me in that time ~ I have no stength to stop her. So, this is it. Me in the worst-condition. Don't laugh !

Uni Life ♥


Darlaa, I go to University of North Sumatera , and I choose Psychology as my major. For going to that uni, I joined a test named SNMPTN . I don't know how it happened,but I passed the exam. haha~ I couldn't sleep after I saw the announcement. Yuhuuuuuuuuuu~ It's just like a dreams come true ! I like psychology so muchh.. You know, I was a broken-home girl. In family sometimes we have a lot of problems. And it absolutely makes something different in my mental .. I also like to listen to my friend's sharing. That will be so nice if you can solve your friend's problem and make them feel better. That's why I love Psychology so muchh ♥

I meet a lot of friends in this uni.. They are really kind people ! So lovely ♥ At the first day of class, I met Dinar, Shella, Dhara, and Dina. Thanks God for introducing me with them. And then, I have Vilya, Chindy, Erna, Fonds, Puspa, Naomi, Edberg and Densi. Most of them are from SMA Sutomo 1. So, they have known more each other before. That makes me a little bit disprited. I was shameful because I'm not as smart,beautiful,and attractive as them. I keep silent most of the time.

And then, time goes by, I realized that they don't care about my skill or I'm beautiful or not. They make friends with me however I am ! So what if I'm not smart ? So what if I'm not beautiful or fashionable? They accept me however I am. They care about ME, not about HOW I AM. And I love them so much ♥ Thanks friends..

Thanks God for giving me the best life =DD

Senin, 07 November 2011

Nice to meet u ♥

Hey darlaaaa,

Finally I start blogging !!! Thanks God ! Phiuhh~~ Let me tell you a short story about my life.. =D hahaa... I was born in Medan, 5th July 1993, exactly at a hospital named Sri Ratu (actually, the hospital's name is not important, but I just want you to know =P hohoo~ ) . I am an Indonesian, but I come from Tionghoa ethnic,hmmm,people prefer to say I'm Chinese. Whatever~

I have a great Mom ! My mom is a tailor^^ sounds good, right? So, I always get new clothes from my mom. My clothes is always different from others, so happy ... xD kyaaaaaaaaaaaa.. And then my Dad is a very very very strong man. When he was young, he is an weightlifting athlete. You know L-Men? Oh, My Dad's body is 100x better than them. Hahaaa... So, nobody's dare to disturb me when they have seen my Dad. Yeeaaa, My Dad is so cool.. But my Dad and my Mom have divorced , I forgot since when they divorced. Now I live with my Mom and my sister.. =DD I have an older sister. She was older 2 years than me. She likes doing handycraft. Hmm, people like to say we are twins. Do you think so? I don't.. hahaaa~  

oh yaaa, I have my family photo.. Honestly, I forget where this photo taken at... hahaa~ But I like it very much ♥ Do you see that smallest girl ? That's me ! =D hahaa~

That's about my family.. Hmm.. Let's move to my friends.. Hohoo~ I finished my senior high school at SMA W.R.Supratman 1 Medan. It located at Jln. Asia 143 Medan. I was in XII-IPA Reguler class. I have a great time there =D hahaa.. I sat beside my bestie, Valencia Rosardy ♥ hihi.. I called her Valen, sometimes Pale.. hahaa..  

She has been my bestie for..... ohh, it's maybe just a several years, But it seems she has been my bestie for my whole life ! Hahaa... She is really good at drawing, don't doubt her ! haha.. Yeaaa.. We have promised that later if we have child, we will bring them to have a ballet course. Ssssttttt ! hahaha.. We often go anywhere. And we like to take photo at anywhere.. For example at restroom

 hey, that's yellow bottle is mine =D

or anywhere~ hahaa

Love you, Pale ♥

I also have another bestieeeee.. It's Lena.. She always call me keong .. how dare! haha.. She is a very very very attractive girl .. I might not in the same class with her. But from junior high school until first year at senior high school, I was in the same class with her. She chose social, and I chose science. We separated in different class, she has her new class, new life, and so do I. But, we always keep in touch ♥ I don't have a lot of photos with her. But we share a lot ♥ 

And thenn, there is a girl called Purnama. Purnama in english means Fullmoon. =D nice name, isn't it? hahaa.. I konw her since I was at kingerdarten. But we started to konw more at junior high school. She is my bestie and my sister. We share a lot, make a joke together, sending SMS almost everyday. Just like Lena, she chose social class. But, we still keep in touch. We seldom hang out together, we have so many differences. SO what? She is my bestie ♥