Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Kelas Remaja 2-4 Jan 2015

Dear Darlaa,

NB. This post is going to be long. Prepare your eyes if you are willing to read it =D

I don’t know since I have left my daily journal, a.k.a. my diary. I think I kinda miss it. So much unspoken things. Hm but in this post I don’t wanna tell anything sad. Still remember my post about “Kelas Remaja” one? On 2nd-4th January, I joined the class again. I like to join it very very much. To be honest, this is only my second time to join the event or the class. The class is held only for teenager, which means for 15-25 aged person. Yeah, I know I almost can’t be counted as teenager anymore. I am 22 now. LOL. But come on, just call me a teenager this time. Okay,I’m going to share my experience joining the class. A valuable experience.

The first day I arrived, I met Stasya, Mili and ci Ai Lie because we were in the same car. We got closer since the Mooncake festival. I am so happy to meet them again. I don’t care even our age is kinda far different.  I’m happy to make friends with them. Stasya is a very cheerful high school student with beautiful face. Mili is Stasya’s younger sister, who is very quiet, yet still a sweet girl. Ci Ai Lie is a mature woman who has very good attitude. You should know how lucky I am to know them.  Then I shared the same room with Ci Ai Lie, Catherine, and Dewi. I think they have known each other before. I felt like outsider at first. But as the time flies, I can adapt quite well. I was in the same group with my roommates, Felixianie, Selestine, Josi, and Ci Phei Fen.  Other new friends of course! So happy and nervous at the same time. Hihi. We might be a little awkward at first. But when we practiced our drama roles, we sure could laugh together and we got known each other’s craziness. LOL. Oh ya I also met Alsina again. My groupmate at the Mooncake Festival event. She is a sweet girl.

I forgot whether I have shared about Mooncake Festival event. We performed a drama and a vocal group.  I didn’t play a big role in drama since I was lack in some points. Hihi. That’s why I still could perform  in vocal group which we sang and did sign language. Hmm, to be honest I’m not good at singing at all. Even I did some mistakes in our perform. But it’s okay. I tried am I was very very very very happy. I tried to do my very best. My friends in vocal group are Alsina, whom I mentioned before, Catherine, Cindy, Yana, Yanti, and Yelita. My friends in drama are Ci Ai Lie, Stasya, Ai Chin, Cindy also, and the rest, boys’ name which I can’t remember. For telling you the truth, It’s hard to remember people’s name. Even  I forgot some of my friends’ name because of a long time we haven’t met. My bad.

Mooncake Festival
Mooncake Festival

Okay, back to the topic. So, I learned a lot again from the class. We did so many activities, not only listening to Dhammadesana, but also games, cooking class, watching movie, singing, etc. Yeah, sometimes I got bored while I was listening to Dhammadesana. I couldn’t deny it because I felt very very very very tired to sit for hours. My back felt pain a lot. But I tried my best to sit and listen, sometimes I went to restroom to stretch or use the break time to lay down on bed. I don’t want to be different from others. Yeah I did it! I finished the class without complaining any back pain \(^o^)/ Yeay!

Don’t ask me about the cooking class. I failed. Hahahha. My taste is very bad and I still wonder why I became the tester on that day. Our best cook is Ci Ai Lie. Because of my bad taste, I ruined her cooking. Hhahaha. It was very funny. In singing class? Just sing however I wanted and I could. Lol. In the watching movie session, we watched Nabi Nuh’s Ark movie. It is a good movie. After the movie, as usual, we were told to give our opinion. We were asked to discussed in group then sent someone to presentate the result. I was the representative of my group. During group discussion, I kept quiet a lot because my opinion is kinda sensitive and I thought maybe I would come out a little tear. So I would keep my opinion until I stood in front so I only had to say it one time. Do you know what is it about? The movie taught me that sometimes God might bring us to hard situations which we don’t understand why it should happen. We blame anyone, even sometimes ourselves about that. In fact, God is preparing a very good plan for us who can pass it well. In my case, it’s the closest case with my scoliosis. If you read my scoliosis post, during my high school, I had a hard situation. I even didn’t know who to blame about my scoliosis. All I know is only “I am a very weird girl like a monster. Nobody likes me. I am worthless”. As the time flies, I do understand why I am given this scoliosis. I was helped in some situations. When other people suffered because all they are same or normal, I was treated different because my back is different and they were afraid to hurt me. I was so amazed. Is this why God gave me this scoliosis? Although I kept being angry, God prepared good things to me. I can’t lie that some tears came out while I was speaking in front, about my scoliosis. It is a rare time. But I kept smiling till the end.

At the end of the class, as usual we were given chances to give testimonial. One by one stood in front and spoke. Until a boy came out. He has a different style. His hair is longer, not like for his age. He said he was salute for me to have courage speaking about my back. Nothing to lie, I was touched and some tears come out. He has an abnormal neckbone that he tried to hide it using his long hair. That’s the first time I know why he grows his hair. He said that he had tried so many ways to hide the abnormal neckbone.  But then he was surprised that I, who have abnormal spine, could speak about it in front of many people. I might not reply him directly at that time. But I write my reply here, in case if you read it boy.

To reach until this stage, It’s not easy. I have to pass my high school moment, where girls like from ugly ducklings  turned to swans and I still withdrawn myself from society, played in my safe circle. My worthless feeling was undescribable. If people just left me of made friends with me just because of some advantages, I would understand because I had nothing and it’s normal to leave me. I cried a lot to see my parents’ worrying me or fighting because of my back solution. I put much anger while trying a loose T-Shirt when other girls in my age were trying body-fit dress. It’s not easy at all. It takes time until I realize why I was born like this, what I should do in this situation. I tried my very best to keep positive and learned many inspirative books. You should embrace yourself while others can’t do it for you. My mind is mine so I have the power to control it. In this world, there are somethings you can’t change,  which in my case it’s my scoliosis. There are also somethings you can change, which it’s my mind and my behavior. I never choose to be born as scolioser, but I can choose to live positively and share inspiration to others. If I, who have bent spine, can do it, why can’t you? Everyone sure deserves the best. 

Photo of our group

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

Let's Grow Grow Grow

Hey, I thought that everything will be okay. But in facts, not everything will go smoothly. There is a time I feel very very very down and feel worthless. I know I am not an adaptive person. I need more time to accept and learn. It doesnt mean I can't. I just have to try.
Sometimes we are faced by hard situations to make us grow. People tend to judge, so do I, so does everyone. So that's nothing wrong by being judged. They make you grow. Even a flower can grow on rocky soil, I just have to keep growing, keep moving. I will build my own good soil to grow.
Yeah, Fera. Keep trying!!! *\(^o^)/*