Senin, 25 November 2013

A Girl With Scoliosis (Part 7)

Heyho  =D

Kembali untuk berbagi info dengan sesama mengenai skoliosis. Sore tadi saya menonton Kick Andy dan berpikir alangkah baiknya kalau mereka bisa menayangkan tentang para Scolioser. Di waktu luang (apalagi tengah malam seperti ini :P) saya suka browsing cerita atau apapun yang berbau skoliosis. Menurut saya, dengan semakin banyaknya info yang kamu ketahui tentang skoliosis, kita akan lebih aware dan berpikir lebih luas.

Sedikit curhat bahwa sebagai seorang scolioser, saya tidak dapat duduk dengan satu posisi apalagi berdiri dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Itu membuat saya merasa pegal, kadang sesak nafas, kadang kesakitan (nyeri). Lalu bagaimana saya menjalani aktivitas saya sehari-hari? Kalau di rumah gampang, saya biasanya lebih suka bermain laptop dalam keadaan telungkup, kadang duduk (di lantai), entah kenapa, duduk di kursi dan mengerjakan sesuatu di meja tidak membuat saya nyaman. Kalau di luar rumah? apalagi kampus. Biasanya saya melakukan stretching kecil, atau saya akan permisi ke kamar kecil dan melakukan stretching sebebas saya. Ketika merasa pegal setelah duduk lama, punggung saya seolah bilang "ayok berbaring! Saya harus lurus sebentar !" Hahaha. Jadi biasanya sepulang rumah sebelum mandi, saya menyempatkan untuk berbaring sebentar, urat-urat rasanya memang seperti tertarik lalu saya akan merasa nyaman kembali. Kalau sudah sangat amat capek, saya perlu berbaring (bukan tidur) seharian. 

Namun saya sering menemui situasi dimana saya harus bertahan dengan pegal-pegal itu, contohnya ketika harus menempuh perjalanan jauh, dari Medan ke Berastagi saja, meskipun hanya duduk, belum lagi kalau duduknya sempit-sempitan, tulang belakang dan pinggang saya terasa kaku dan sakit sekali.Ohya, kami (scolioser) juga sebaiknya tidak duduk atau tidur di tempat yang empuk/lunak, memang sesuatu yang empuk itu nyaman sesaat saja bagi kami, kemudian akan menyiksa. Hahaha. Kalau sudah kelelahan seperti itu, kadang tanpa saya sadari tubuh saya akan membungkuk dengan sendirinya, atau akan semakin miring. Let's be aware ! Kalau ada teman sekitarmu yang skoliosis juga, ingatkan mereka untuk istirahat atau bantu cari solusi. Jangan tertawakan mereka ketika nafas mereka semakin terengah-engah meskipun tidak melakukan kegiatan berat. Kamu tidak merasakan bagaimana sakit yang harus ditahan dan usaha mereka untuk tetap tersenyum.
Ohya, dan semakin saya mengetahui banyaknya para scolioser di dunia, khususnya di Indonesia, itu membuat saya merasa lebih baik. Bukannya saya senang ada orang lain yang skoliosis, tapi saya senang bahwa saya tidak sendirian, bahwa ini bukanlah hal yang super abnormal, bahwa ada orang lain yang merasakan hal yang sama dengan saya dan mereka pasti mengerti apa yang saya rasakan sekarang (sebagai scolioser tentunya).

Berikut beberapa orang di Indonesia yang saya ketahui sebagai scolioser juga :)

1. Alyssa Soebandono

Tidak asing dengan nama ini? Iya, dia salah satu artis di Indonesia. Dulu sinetron pertamanya yang saya tonton adalah "Inikah Rasanya" di SCTV. Saya mengetahui cerita skoliosisnya dari salah satu milis skoliosis Indonesia. Di blognya juga dia bercerita mengenai skoliosisnya. Kindly check her blog ;) Blog tersebut merupakan blog pribadinya dan ditulis oleh Alyssa sendiri. Alyssa sekarang masih tetap aktif menjalani dunia akting. Memang derajat kemiringan Alyssa tidak separah punya saya, tapi derajat kemiringan itu hanya sebuah angka dan tingkat keparahan, apa perlu saya menjadikannya sebagai tolak ukur untuk hidup saya? Jawabannya tentu saja T.I.D.A.K ;)

Alyssa Soebandono

2. Indi Sugar Babbit (Indi Sugar Taufik)

Indi merupakan seorang penulis novel "Waktu Aku sama Mika" yang kemudian diangkat menjadi film layar lebar. What a blessing ! Novel tersebut diangkat dari kisah nyata kehidupan Indi sendiri. Novel tersebut bercerita tentang seorang gadis scolioser yang jatuh cinta kepada pemuda pengidap HIV. Di Medan sendiri, baik di Gramedia maupun Disc Tarra, saya masih sulit menemukan novel dan filmnya. Kalau ada yang punya info, mohon kasi tau yaa. I will be so happy. 

Indi saat ini menggunakan brace untuk mencegah pertumbuhan skoliosisnya :) Masih banyak lagi loh novel yang sudah dirilisnya. FYI, Indi baru-baru saja menjalani operasi tumor payudara. Ternyata ditemukan tumor sebesar bola pingpong pada dada sebelah kirinya, untungnya semua berjalan dengan baik. Get well soon, Indi ! You are a courageous woman ! =D

Kalau penasaran, anda bisa mengunjungi blognya  atau account twitternya @missbabbitt 
Indi Sugar

Novel Waktu Aku sama Mika

MIKA (diangkat dari Novel Waktu Aku sama Mika)

3. Iin Nur Indah

Iin merupakan salah satu finalis X-Factor Indonesia 2013, dimana di audisinya, Iin menyanyikan lagu "Don't You Remember" -Adele dengan sangat baik. Jujur saya bukan penonton setia X-Factor, saya hanya menonton X-Factor ketika sudah acara final (tersisa 3 orang). Itu pun karena kebetulan nampak saja. Hahaha. Saya mengetahui Iin seorang scolioser ketika saya mencari video tentang scolioser Indonesia di youtube, tiba-tiba bermunculan wajah Iin semua.

 Anda dapat menonton video audisinya di link ini

Sekian untuk hari ini ! Let's be aware \(^o^)/ Go Scoliosis Awareness ! 

Fera Leo
A Scolioser

Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Power of Smile

When someone is arguing with you emotionally, and you just respond them calmly and with smile. It makes you like a WINNER. 

Power of Smile ! ;)

Jumat, 15 November 2013


If I smile to someone I dislike, it doesn't mean I'm two-face. I'm just mature enough to regulate my emotion.

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Mid-Test is O.V.E.R

Yoo Darla~

Like what I said on the title, Mid Test is over ! Although have some trouble on this last day, it's okay. The exam was supposed to be held at 8 a.m, but it is delayed until 2 p.m. Urgghh. Okay, forget about it. Don't ruin this good day with bad mood. LOL. We have gone through these 2 weeks. I am so happy that half of this semester has passed, and half more, I will be in sixth semester.

Senin, 04 November 2013


Dear Darlaa,

Today is one of my BEST MONDAY !!!! Let me tell you about that. Okay, today I start my Monday with wake up early, have breakfast with friends at Babura. Wuohoooo~ I'm really happy to eat a lot ! Although I have to face this big tummy -____- It doesn't matter! =D I love eating. Eating happily and no worries.

We have so much fun for this morning. I laughed a lot. Should a life be like this ? Then at the evening I have my class, teaching class I mean. I also have a lot of fun with my students. For telling you the truth, I was so stressed after teaching before. Today I try really really really hard to change my mindset. I truly believe with the power of mindset, because my mind determines my behavior. I swear, it really hard for me. I even download some Monday quotes for my motivation, keep repeating them to myself. As a teacher, I want the best for my students. Not only teaching, but act as a warm-hearted Mom. :)

Happy Monday \(^o^)/

Smile and Sunshine

Hey Darlaa,

I'm back. Another random post. Hahahaha. The quiet girl has the loudest mind. Maybe that's me.

Today I went to Sun Plaza and found out that Alta Moda held "SALE ALL ITEMS 50%" !!!!! Wuohooooooo~ The true heaven is coming to town ! I immediately announce it via BBM, and make schedule to go there again with Mom. Yeah yeah yeah. Life is going to be more amazing with "SALE 50%". Okay, I'm not a shopaholic. I just love "Discount", everyone does.

In my last post, I said that I'm still twenty, and have a long time. Yes, I have. How about my Mom? Last evening, Mom got up from her nap and continued her sewing with "Aiyah, how long I have to do this". I think, think, and think. The matter is "I THINK I STILL HAVE TIME". Mom will not be able to wait for so long. I have to do something soon. Surviving is not enough, I have to do more. But what?!? My back limits me from working hard. Sometimes I say "sh*t", then all the positive advices pop out in my mind. Trust me, if you know someone that always do positive thinking, maybe he/she comes from the most negative thinking person.

For now, things that I can do, is always supporting Mom and making her smile through these all. I'm not saying we are having hard time, but we DO need better life than this. We, I mean we ALL deserve the best thing in life. Smile, the most little thing that I can give to Mom. 

Ah, nowadays, I really like Sunshine. I'm not afraid of being darker, but also I can't stand for extreme hot of course. LOL. Sunshine makes everything brighter and feel more comfort. Ah, you must not know, I'm really good in doing massage. I love giving Mom massage after a long day.. Sometimes I also need massages, but it's impossible to ask my sis or mom. They have worked for a day. So I prefer lying on bed. I will like to spend time with Mom in reflexiology, but usually they don't massage well.

Mom is going to have her birthday on December 14 ! We are planning a surprise for her. I want to give her something, that are kinda refreshing, and warm-hearted, instead of something expensive.

Minggu, 03 November 2013

November #RandomPost

Dear Darlaa,

Trust me or not, I always have mood to write or blog at mid-night. My brain is trully active at this hour. In my last holiday, I have tried my best to live in healthier way. But when I have started my new semester, everything backs to nature. LOL. I call it nature, because I am used to stay awake until mid-night since I was a kid. I remembered when I was a kid, I did my homework slowly with Sis, Dad always went home at late night, Mom did her sewing also until midnight. We had a great time playing and talking random things. Sometimes Dad could take me going outside by his motorbike, bought fried rice or anything else. Sometimes we watched film together until morning, then when I woke up, I was on my bed already. And sometimes, we argued and hated each other....

Talking about Dad, won't make me cry at all. Sometimes I mention my Dad because deeply I miss him so bad. But reading my last post about Dad's funeral, remind me of all the sadness of those days. Then I realize that, life goes on. I never forget about Dad. I just accept the fact that Dad had gone, even Dad was still alive, he will never ever want her daughter to be sad. I always tell myself and repeat it,
"It's okay to feel down and cry. But never forget to lift your head to the sky, and smile brightly. Life goes on, with or without you."
Okay, now finish about Dad. Err. I think no, maybe still have to mention Dad. Sorry Dad. But I think you will be happy for me that always remember of you. My Dad liked to be popular.

Randomly, I think about marriage. I passed, and saw so many love relationship broken for the same reasons. As you know, My Mom and Dad also divorced. I don't have any real life modelling that show me true & longlasting love is exist. One question pops out in my mind. Does a man that we called "true love" really exist?

Back to nature, deep inside, I truly believe Cinderella's story. Then reality slaps me, this is real life, not tales. My heart is prepared and trained to face heart-breaking, to be strong woman. My heart will be frozen. LOL. At the other side, I think why don't I prepare my heart to love everyone? Warm to everyone, but it means that we take higher risk to get hurt. Once again, intern-conflict and self-talk. LOL

Today I met Lena. Talk about future and friendship. Someone said that she/he never wants to share his/her private life to anyone, include her/his lover. Why? Because sharing can relieve your feeling for a while, but your whole life, you will be anxious whether your friend tells your story to others or not. I think, that's right. Some people can't keep secret. But what's the meaning of keeping your secret for a whole life? If there's something of your private life that maybe inspire someone or a life lesson, why not? Trust and betray are kinda part of life. Betrayal, lies, hurt, don't make me hurt anymore like the first time. I'm lucky to have some VVIP in my life that I can trust. :)

And the last thing I want to share is, about carreer. I'm planning for my future. I think Medan is not secure to live anymore. I have plan to move to another country. It means, I need really big budget. I'm still twenty. I have so much chance to work harder and harder. I start to confuse what profession that I will take. I am studying Psychology, but do I really want to be a Psychologist ? I like to doing online shop and marketing, but is it really my passion? I love to writing novel, but I haven't written any finished-story for last 2 years. Am I really good at writing fiction?

Somehow, I'm type of person that value social things so much better than money. Yes, we can't live without money. Yes, it's more comfortable to cry in BMW than on bicycle. But how if the choice is crying alone or having some friends to share. I always put "Social" in my first priority. I've ever thought about being a social worker. I will live happily with help people. Then what can I use to buy food for me and my mom??? *toeng* right? Good income, favorite job.. How can I get both? Some experts say, follow your passion, then wealthy will follow you. What is truly my passion? Still a homework for me.

That's all I can share. Friends, family, love, and carreer. Fighting everyone !