Senin, 31 Desember 2012


Ahaay ! I forgot to tell you, I spent my Christmas Eve on temple. A little bit different, right ? As usual, Maha Karuna Buddhist Centre (MKBC) needs people to help. So, Lena, Julia, and me went there to see if anything we can do. It's a long time I don't go there. I really miss doing something there. Well, I know exactly I don't help so much. But being a part of this, just make me feel so close to Buddha. 

I met Mami again. She's just so caring like our Mom. I forgot since when we called her Mami. 

We spend one night there. Lack of sleep, yeah. We did get chance to sleep, but we prefer to use the time for sharing like pyjamas party. Hahaa.. So happy. I hope next time willl be more fun

The End of 2012

Here we are. December 31, 2012. The end of this year.

I wonder what resolution I've reached. Let's see. I've made my resolution when we were in the beginning of 2012. Time flies so fast, doesn't it ?

OMG ! I just realize that I only get my fifth and tenth resolution. Aarggh.. and the sixth, I really fail, and that will not be in my resolution anymore. I'm over with that.

Okay, I will try to make a better resolution for next year. At least, I've got two than nothing at all. ^^ always be grateful. 

Then, I was absence from blogging just for a month, but it feels like few months I didn't post anything. Hahaha.. In this December, so many things happened, Darlaa. Good and bad things. :)

#December_02 : I went out with my high school friends, the Sexers. Aaah, I just miss them so much. We are not really complete, without Maya, Ika, and Caro. We went to Mind Cafe. There's a lot of game! But Idk how, at the end we just play the classic one, UNO Cards. The worst thing is I got lost, and the best part is I'm not alone. Nyeheee.. After playing so long, we got HOME to karaoke. Really a nice day. I love it. :* We promise that when we are all complete, we will hang out again. Ouwhh, I like that !!!


Hmm.. I'm waiting for January to meet them again. Love you all, Sexers :*

#December_14 : Hey everyone, it's Mom's Birthday !!!! It's Friday and when I finished my work, I went to Helious to pick some cakes for Mom. Ahh, I love the Rainbow Cake. Okay, honestly I'm afraid with what they used for the cake's colours. I'm trying to trust the Bakery. Well, it's not about a surprise, but about a celebration. Darlaa, u need to know something. The candle is just so amazing. Don't care how many times Mom make wishes and blow it. It still light up and light up again. We just laugh together. Mom looks happy, and so am I.

Helious and the amazing Candles
December is so lovely month. Angeline and Vivian also have their birthday in this month. It's so much fun for planning their surprise. Hmm.. I forgot to tell you, Darlaa. I just feel like found another family. I have Fona, Vivian, Angeline, Mariana, and also Delviana. It's kinda fun. We all made friends since we join Porseni, except Angeline. I've known her since in high school. Haha. Idk how, they called "Charlie's Angels" for this friendship. You guess what, I'm the Charlie. Urgh, I also want to be the Angels like in the film, they are soooo sexy and cool. But I still don't understand why I has to be the Charlie. It's not deal. Okay, forget about the Charlie.

Ahh, this year is so awesome. Thanks 2012 I'm ready for another chapter, 2013 =)

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012


Dear Darlaa,

Yesterday, one of my friends got mad with me. She told me that I'm too busy with my life. I felt like I got a big slap from her. However, it reminds me to keep close with my friends. You know, Darlaa ?

Now, I take not only a part time job, but also I do an online shop. It's quite busy although my selling is not really that much. People ask me why I'm doing this. I just need extra income. I need a backup bussiness if I resign from my part time job someday. I have to start when I'm still young and have so much strength. That's what I think.

I get inspired of Merry Riana, writer of "Mimpi Sejuta Dolar". She is a very great woman. I read some pages of her book ( A Gift from a Friend). The book is about her life story, true-story. You can click to more info about her. Really touching and inspiring.

I also watch Kick Andy last two weeks. Do you ever heard about Angkie Yudistia ? Writer of "Perempuan Tuna Rungu Menembus Batas". She has problem in hearing, but she never give up to make her dreams come true. She even graduated in Communication magister. I remember what she said in KickAndy Show, "when the door is closed, I believe that there is another doos that opened." Uuuuurgh, I really get inspired from that quote. I suddenly think, I feel so shameful that Angkie, who is not perfect with her hearing problems, can prove that she can cope with that, even that problem-hearing can be her motivation.

So here we are. December.

At this 25th December, we will have Christmas . I'm not a Christian, but I'm just feeling happy to welcome Christmas. I don't know why. It seems to be very very very happy. I can feel the warmth of Christmas. Everyone sings very nice songs. Christmas decorations everywhere.

I just think, time flies so fast. Have I done "something" in this 2012 ? Gimme time to think about that.