Minggu, 17 Juni 2012


Dear Darlaa,

Just for this time. I promise, only this time. I want to be selfish. May I ? I don't really care what you'll think about me. I think this is the only best way for everyone. I can't be an angel for a whole time.

I'm sorry.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

A Letter to Mr.Back and Mr.Waist

Dear Darlaa,

How are you ? Final exam is going to come. I haven't made any preparation yet. I wish I get a good grade. I promise myself that I will try harder, try my best. I don't know where to start. Hahaha.. I focus already, but I got the wrong focus. I only focus to the holidays, not the exam. I'm sorry, darlaa. I think I have to go to a pharmacy and buy some vitamins for this month. I forgot it when I went shopping last time with Valen. 

Recently, I feel like my back is going to break itself soon. It asks me to do stretching everytime. My waist feels like want to say "I'm sorry, I quit". OMG~ Do I have to write a letter for my back and my waist, to understand me ? Hmmm.. I think they will reply me. "If you wanna us to understand you, understand us first !" Aishhhh......

All I need is sleeping and doing sport.( Hmmm, I think of having some mask on my face, with 2 pieces of cucumber on my eyes ) I will, after having final exam. So now ? I'm going to bed. Good night everyone. Have a nice day tomorrow ! =)

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

I ♥ Sunday

Hey Darlaa !

                How is your weekend ? Does it go well ? Do you have fun ? ^^ I have fun so much this weekend. I just came back from Valen’s house. I had my lunch there. Valen’s grandma is so kind and she cook a great lunch. We went to saloon together. Ooooohh, really nice. My hair becomes so smooth after has get masked. We hope that our hair can be smooth like this everyday. And you know my most-favorite part ? We got discount ! Hahahaa...  I always love discount XD Don’t you ?
                We talked so long at d’loft food court. Telling each other what happened in this month. Sharing some food. We eat pempek. Nyummy~ You should try it. It’s absolutely delicious. I think it has been so long the last time I eat pempek. Hahaha.. We went shopping together. Try so many shoes and high heels. Yes, it likes the other girls do. Hm, we also went to cinema, but we didn’t watch any movie. Because we are not in mood to watch movie. We just want to have time together.
                Then, we went back to Valen’s house. Do you know what we did ? Taking photos ! Hahahaa.. It doesn’t mean I’m photogenic. But I just like it. Oh, no. I don’t like it, but I love it ! XD When you have a funny face with your friends, and click ! When you try to find stuff for you photo’s property, it’s really fun ! :D No need to be photogenic, no need to have a DSLR camera, you just need a friend and go crazy together. It’s enough to have great photos. It’s about the moment you have.

                Yeah, that’s all about today, darlaa.. Tomorrow is Monday. We’ll go back to our routinity again. Strecth your body, prepare for tomorrow, because everyday is a nice day. =) No matter what we will face tomorrow. Fighting ! =D

Senin, 04 Juni 2012


Dear Darlaa,

Last Wednesday, I had my last presentation for this semester. Everything runs well. A nice presentation, I think. A good team work with my friends. Yeeahh, I'm so glad. Absolutely glad. Hahaa.. You know what ? Maybe I'm the one who worried too much about that presentation. =)

Hmm.. Darlaa, I wanna share something. Today I feel unwell. I'm not someone that can shout loudly when I'm angry. I'll choose to be quiet, otherwise, I'll tell my diary or my bestie. I don't wanna hurt anyone. It's enough to me that I'm the one who hurt. I try my best not to be angry anymore. Just take a deep breath, face the day with smile and everything gonna be okay.

Yeah, everything gonna be okay. =)