Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019

Life After Surgery: 3 years post-op

Hi Darla! 24th August 2019 was my 3 year post-op. I was touched to flashback all the memories. Can you imagine? It has been three years since my surgery on 24th Aug 2016. I still keep in touch with my fellow scoliosers and happen to meet a lot of new friends. When I met them, the common questions I was asked is “How’s life after surgery?” Of course every period of time serves different progress. Also, the recovery progress varies individually.

The very first thing came to my mind when I remembered my ops was gratitude. I could not imagine that I can reach this stage. I will always remember that my life itself is a bless. A lot of people have worked hard and contributed to my life. I do not want to take it for granted. This heart will be forever grateful for all the kindness I receive.

Well, 3 years. It is neither a very long or short period. For now, I can do almost everything. Doctors gave me no limit for my movement. I move freely without any inconvenience. However, I found out there was one thing I still require assistance. Once, I dropped one of my earrings and it rolled under the refrigerator. I turned on the torch on my phone and bent my body to look for it. I used to bend freely, stick my cheek on the floor, and turn my face to side. That time, I was able to bend my body, but I could not put my cheek on the floor. My body felt stiff. I realized then, “Oh, this is the part which they mentioned I will lose some flexibility.” I shared this to my family so that they could give me a hand or I could find another trick to find my stuff. It’s not that I always drop things under the refrigerator. Haha.

Then, no more prohibition for carrying weight. Somehow, I am a bit cautious for extremely heavy items, such as sofa or metal furniture. If it is possible to drag instead of carrying it, I will just drag it. I do not hesitate to ask for help and so far, I am very blessed that my surroundings are always helpful and understanding. Regarding to my daily lives, I still can carry my necessaries with no issue.

For medication, I clearly had no more medication since I reached home (2 weeks post-op). It was only blood supplement for about one month post-op. After I finished the supplement from doctor, no more medication. I simply ate everything. Sometimes I take necessary supplements. If I had hectic week, I might take vitamin C. Just common supplements like common people normally take. My scar is also doing well. No coloid or other issue. No significant itch. I have stopped applying Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on it since....... the day I cannot remember.

Ah, I was often asked, “Do you feel anything on your back?” or “Can you sense the titanium on your spine?” Trust me, it feels nothing. I almost forgot that I have ever had surgery if I do not see my pictures. The first months post-op, yes, it felt stiff like I could feel the titanium was holding my spine strongly. Now, it does not feel anything at all. No pain. No stiff feeling. Then people asked me, “Do you still feel pain now?” Comparing to the pre-ops condition, of course it feels so so so much better now! I am so glad ^ Only when I worked harder/ longer than usual, like more than 13 hours, I feel tired. However, isn’t it normal to feel tired after a long day? For me, it is not a significant issue. 

Now, currently I enjoy my job as a full time teacher. I have my job from 8 to 6/7. Sometimes I have extra activities til late night (11 p.m). I still swim during weekend. I still do the superman exercise. I actively take chances to learn and improve myself. I am always open for sharing with anyone.

Dear my friends, I dedicate this entry to tell you, I am living my life to the fullest. Thank you for everything you have done. You never know how much it means for me.

Thank you.

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2019

Little Things

Heyho Darla!

How's life? I have some thoughts these days. My body was exhausted yet my mind cannot stay calm. There were several things which made me upset and it drained my energy. I had a long self-talk and managed to make peace with myself.

I was on my way back to home after a long day. I still frowned my face due to the uncontrolled feeling. It was a nice evening. I looked up to the sky and suddenly was amazed how beautiful the evening sky was. The sunset, the cloud, the sky line, everything was perfect. I was instantly in good mood just in seconds. I enjoyed the short trip to home. I apologize to God for being ungrateful for a moment.

I started to gather little things that make me happy. I love going home and find out my family to share what I've gone through the day, either bad and good one. I am grateful for every call that my friends made. I am grateful to be able to go to morning market with my mother, talking about what we should cook for the week. I am grateful for the chances to keep learning things I like. I am grateful for the convenience since we have online transportation. I am grateful that I get to meet my cute students everyday and make jokes with them.

See? There are so many things for me to be grateful. I learn to value the little things and stay present. Also, Darla. This 24th Aug will be my 3 years post-op. What do you think? Should we have my "Life After Surgery" post? Uhmm, I am excited!